In which we discuss gore, foul language, misleading summaries, Terry Pratchett, death and how many people read this blog.
- [EDIT] If you put a jump break ^there^ you get an expandable summary
- but only in the non-dynamic templates
- and in order to expand it you have to click through to the full post
- Having a gory picture on the front page of my blog for a year makes me uncomfortable.
- I don't have time to write blog posts
- However, no-one reads this blog. The issue is moot.
- I almost never read blogs on the actual blog site, I almost always read in my RSS Client
- RIP GReader
- Feedly FTW
- But when I do read a blog site: whether the post is about a technical project or home improvement or banal life updates, it's still associated with some structured set of topics and is part of some sort of progression.
- Archive by date? The whole flipping site is an archive by date
- I want categories. Nested Categories. To browse by category. To browse categories.
- I want to see a post summary, not scroll through an entire post I don't want to read
- Insomnia is going to be the death of me.
- I like bulleted lists.
- with nesting
- Technically, the Terry Pratchett reference was a self-reference. But not anymore.
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